Between Gaming and Gambling: investigating children and young people’s experiences and understandings of gambling style systems in digital games is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (ref: ES/S006877/1). The research is led by Dr James Ash (Principal Investigator) of Newcastle University, working with Dr Sarah Mills (Co-Investigator) of Loughborough University and Dr Rachel Gordon (Researcher) of Newcastle University.
The research investigates how gambling style systems are used and experienced by children and young people and their parents and guardians across a range of digital games. This will be addressed by answering the following questions:
- What are the key techniques and mechanisms involved in gambling style systems in digital games? What are the similarities between these systems and regulated forms of gambling?
- How do children and young people experience and make sense of these systems in their everyday use of these games?
- How much money do children and young people spend on these systems and how is this spending funded?
- What are parents’ attitudes towards these systems and do they regulate their children’s use of these systems?
Data includes interviews with game designers, video ethnography with children and young people as they play digital games, interviews with children and young people, and interviews with parents. The project team are also working alongside key organisations with an interest in children and young people’s issues, gambling, and regulation.
To find out more about the project, please contact Dr Rachel Gordon: